Pretty Impressive Facts
90% of our college graduated staff are currently working in an academic setting during the school year
- 70% of our staff return each year
- 60% of our staff is over the age of 21
- 30% of our staff have advanced degrees
- The average age of our camp staff is 29 years old.
- 20% of our camp staff also work here at BBN during the school year
Bullying Policy
BB&N does not tolerate bullying at any time. The Camp Director will manage and address all bullying situations during the summer per the BB&N Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan. Please note that the Summer Camp Director shall represent the interests of the “Campus Director” where noted in this Plan.
ACA Accreditation
ACA Accreditation means that Summer@BB&N cares deeply about campers, families, and staff to undergo a thorough (up to 290 standards) review of its operation — from staff qualifications and training to emergency management. American Camp Association® collaborates with experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Red Cross, and other youth-serving agencies to assure that current practices at the camp reflect the most up-to-date, research-based standards in camp operation.